"Twas aeons ago, ye bikki stithered agynst devystashyn. Ye dred Jabberwock rampayged and sturmled thru ye Outbound Bayshyan. Yt whiffed thru the Memble Tree. Roro stambled be. Roro grypped his reamish blayd. Yon Jabberwock smurmured ever onwayd."
"Roro eyed ye mermy blayd but not himself's rev'rection. Verily, his ryme was in the blayd inlection. Broyed and brayed, Roro revved the blayd. He swicked ye Jabberwock's creva, and blunked yt right out the Outbound Renja. Roro became the Sumb of Baled fer evins to wumb."
"Attack All"
"Survivor's Fury"
"Hold Ground"
"HP Up Lv1"
"Fire Resist Lv1"
"Attack Up Lv1"
"Katana Mastery"
"Life Flip"