"When the bikki came to Westland, they left behind much of their traditional magic in Eastland. Ambitious bikki spellcasters would attempt to make the journey back to their ancestor's homelands, in hopes of learning their forgotten secrets. The passage was long and filled with peril, and many of these pilgrims were never heard from again.When the aspiring mage Jin decided to make the trip, his friends and family were deeply concerned. Jin's sense of direction was so terrible, it was not uncommon for him to get lost on the way to his own house. Nevertheless, Jin was too stubborn to be persuaded otherwise, and he departed for Eastland."
"Jin was not heard from again for over a decade, and those who knew him began to assume the worst. However, one day he suddenly returned, looking none worse for wear and adorned with fancy robes.He had indeed reached his destination of Eastland, but not before some lengthy detours through both the northern and southern continents of Erden. As a result, he has learned far more than he would have by only visiting Eastland.With his expanded knowledge, Jin began his own school of bikki magic, and now aspiring bikki mages seek wisdom there rather than attempt the arduous journey themselves."
"Attack All"
"Dream Hunter"
"Katana Hunter Lv2"
"HP Up Lv2"
"Attack Up Lv2"
"Mace Mastery"
"Spirit+ Revenge"