Archivum Honkai: Star Rail

Mourning Actors — Elation

"They do not laugh, only cry. The more they cried, the harder I laughed. I laughed and laughed until tears fell down my face, and you know what Mourning Actors did? They handed me a tissue."
— A Masked Fool with no name

Mourning Actors are firm believers against Elation. They believe life is full of ups and downs, that agony makes people mature but fleeting joy only offers hopeless temptation. Cheap entertainment is a narcotic for humans to lose themselves in. All beings should renounce joy and endure grief to temper their spirits. To this end, these people have formed an organization.

The Actors ride a gondola that spans the stars. They collect and wear faces and masks from different worlds, symbolizing the races that have passed and those that have not. At the same time, they have also recorded sorrows of intelligent life. They compose magnificent tragedies for heroes entering the end and sing graceful elegies for dying stars.

Mourning Actors advocate celibacy and penance, hoping this opposite Path will dilute the Aeon of Elation's sweet allure to the universe.

However, joy and sadness are two sides of the same coin. Their very essence is engraved into souls of all beings. The Aeon of Elation sees the potential strength in the beauty of tragedy. Perhaps out of fondness for dark humor, Aha blessed these people with the astral power, playfully helping them spread their renouncement of joy across many galaxies.