Archivum Evertale

"Eves" - "Elf Seaspire"

"Eves is a Seaspire. Seaspires are an elite elf anti-terrorist order which operates freelance for the various empires. They exist to stop pirates and seamonsters."


Active Skills

  • "Attack"

    "Damage to 1 enemy and allies gain 2 Spirit."

  • "Sleep"

    "Grants 1 enemy the Sleep status effect for 200TU. Usable once per battle. This will overwrite other status effects on that unit. Sleep cannot be applied to a unit that Has Slept while on the battlefield."

  • "Survivor's Fury"

    "500% damage to 1 enemy. Locked for 300TU after the user has entered the battlefield."

Passive Skills

  • "Stun Absorb"

    "Whenever any ally would be affected by stun, this unit takes the stun instead."

  • "Storm Resist Lv1"

    "5% less damage from attacks by Storm units."

  • "HP Up Lv1"

    "Adds 600 to this unit's max HP."

  • "Attack Up Lv1"

    "Adds 150 to this unit's Attack."

  • "Hammer Mastery"

    "Can use weapon skills of Hammers in addition to their original preferred weapon type."