Archivum Honkai: Star Rail

Part III

Profile Number: 1381
Curio Designation: Total Eclipse of the Heart
Remarks: Contain in vacuum. Do not activate.
Curio Profile: A conical device made by an unknown polished rock. When the central cones are perpendicular to each other, the device enters a dormant state. When the cones are parallel, the device is activated. When activated, any object that crosses the outer ring will be corroded and disintegrated into basic particles. The device is usually used to disintegrate waste products on the space station and transmute them into usable materials for the different departments. One thing to note is that once the number of objects disintegrated exceeds a certain point, the corrosion area will expand and will cause an observable negative reaction to the psyche of organic life forms. Do not activate without written permission from the space station.
Related Studies:
1. Esther, Department of Insight Lv. 4 Researcher — Personas and Shadows: A Study of Psychological Impact, from Cone Corrosion to Aeon Projection
2. Lamina, Department of Ecology Lv. 3 Researcher — The Effect of Brain Bioelectric Methods and Cross-Species Microcomputer Connectivity on the Efficacy of Brain Rehabilitative Therapy
Researcher Notes:
What happens when someone's psyche had been corroded? Will it awaken some kind of personality?? Has anyone tried it? Reply please!
— Lukacs, Department of Galactic Geopolitics
After you get corrupt, your name will get a (Corrupted) label on the terminal.
— [NAME OMITTED], Maintenance Department

Profile Number: 1984
Curio Designation: Door to A New World
Remarks: Unknown
Curio Profile: A teleportation device that the Department of Implement Arts acquired by chance. The shape is consistent with the common toilet seat, with a ceramic-textured surface and a complete flushing system. The mechanism of action is unknown for the time being, and no significant side effects have been reported after the teleportation is completed. However, due to personal constitution, symptoms such as dizziness and vomiting may occur after repeated use in a short period of time. Rumors like "Bury your head in a toilet and flush it, and you will open a door to a brand new world" was once widely circulated on a certain planet, and the existence of this machine confirmed the authenticity of some of the rumors.
Related Studies:
(The ████████ experiment using Door to A New World and its data are not available to the public for the time being according to the request of the Department of Implement Arts.)
Researcher Notes:
I've stuck my head in this thing, but why did I not end up in a "new world"?
— [NAME OMITTED], Department of Galactic Geography
The researcher in the comment above, you don't seem very sharp. You shouldn't put your head inside. You should be sitting on it and flush!
— Adler, Department of Ecology

Profile Number: 2691
Curio Designation: Energy Black Hole
Remarks: Do not expose to food items. Activate the heating mode of the space station's thermostat system before utilizing the Curio.
Curio Profile: A heater fueled by some kind of clean energy, it was once used as an electric pancake pan by an IPC trade commissioner (note: attempted). After being spotted by a Department of Implement Arts researcher, it was brought to the space station. The patterns on the surface of the heater was ascertained by the Department of Insight to be the crest of an anonymous family and the name of a person suspected of being ████ Landau. The heating function of the heater is non-functional and non-responsive to any fuel inserted. According to the current observation record, the heater will actively absorb heat energy from surrounding objects, and excessive exposure to it can cause hypothermic reactions to homeothermic animals.
P.S. A joint experiment from the Departments of Implement Arts and Service has shown that the energy that the heater can absorb does not, in fact, include caloric energy from food items.
Related Studies:
1. Thaler, Department of Implement Arts Lv. 2 Researcher — Thermodynamic Properties and Matter Accretion Properties of Black Holes
2. Adler, Department of Implement Arts Lv. 2 Researcher — A New Perspective on Population Growth and Explosion: Organic Populations and Black Holes
Researcher Notes:
What? Not for heating food? So what can this be used for? This touches on the blind spot in my cognition!
— Mare, Department of Insight
Nonsense conclusion! That experiment was not rigorous at all, and the "zero calorie" decision was unnecessarily stringent! Look, as long as it was not listed on the package itself, the food inside would come up to zero calories! The Department of Implement Arts knows jack s***!
— [NAME OMITTED], Department of Ecology