Archivum Honkai: Star Rail

"Inquiry Into The Gods: The Arbiters"


[Reignbow Arbiter]

Lord of The Hunt. We know them as Lan, god of the Skybow.

They rarely appear before mortals, and the only portents of their presence are vestiges of the Lux Arrow tearing across the sky. Reignbow tirelessly hunts the undead abominations created by Yaoshi the Abundance.

Reignbow Arbiter first appeared around Year 3400 Star Calendar with their Sky-Shattering Lux Arrow severing the Abundance's Ambrosial Arbor. Since then, the Xianzhou natives had risen out of chaos, madness, and decline. This also marked the formation of the Alliance.

To this day, one of the chief duties of the Divination Commission is to monitor the decree of Reignbow's arrow and interpret its meaning.

[Firmamend Arbiter]

Lord of the Preservation. Also known as the Amber Lord; and as Qlipoth, god of the skywall by the Interastral Peace Corporation.

Observational records suggest that the Amber Lord strives to isolate contact between planets. The celestial-sized structures they've built — the Subspace Crystalline Barrier — separates and protects all worlds. Based on records from around Year 1000 SC, the nine initial Xianzhou ships first set sail on their arduous journey and witnessed the almighty barrier separating the world from the endless void: the Echidna Skywall.

But contrary to the act of separation, the main faction devoted to the Amber Lord, the IPC, has facilitated civilized trade and contact between the stars with their fleet — the largest in the entire universe. Like a silent giant, Qlipoth has allowed them to trade and emigrate so much so that an Emanator of Preservation has appeared at the IPC. Despite their actions running counter to the Aeon's wishes, no remonstration or censure has been forthcoming. Food for thought, indeed.
