Archivum Honkai: Star Rail

Final Chapter - Satelleden (I)

Continuation: In this chapter, armed with a conviction of never returning, Artem and Dalmir will ride a "cannonball" of the Old World into the sky.


The impact factor of the volcano cannon was not included in the original designs.

The "cannonball" instantly reached a shocking speed upon firing, leaving everyone at the launch site speechless. Is this really going to be okay? From the inside, Artem and Dalmir had to withstand 10 g's of crushing force. They were almost smashed by the power.

Artem lost consciousness the split-second upon launch and the memories of the dangers on the Snow Plains appeared in his mind. His lulled state did not last long as he woke himself up with impressive conviction and mental discipline. After experiencing the near-death moment, Artem immediately noticed the importance of the shock-reduction capacitor in the flying pod. Without it, he'd already be dead.

Dalmir on the other hand was having a much harder time. His eyes were rolled back and white foam was coming out of his slightly opened mouth. Is he passed out? Or is he... gone? Artem called for him over the radio several times, but Dalmir did not respond.

Not only could the approaching space be seen in the porthole of the "cannonball," but so could the distancing ground from beneath.

The spectacular view unfolds rapidly in front of Artem's eyes. The familiar sights quickly shrink till it becomes unfamiliar. The numbers on the instruments continue to climb, with no sign of slowing down whatsoever.

Artem was still unaware of what was happening even though everything pointed towards the same conclusion — They were leaving the planet at shocking speeds.

— They were 5000 meters off the ground.

Artem could still see the buildings of the Lava Kingdom, especially the main cannon that fired the "cannonball."

The launch caused a massive landslide, reducing the main volcano to a billowing cloud of smoke. At this height, the large molten insects were impossible to see and the lava on the ridges looked like a spider silk web. The bright colors that scorched the eyes had softened considerably.

The volcanic ash in the air sped by quickly, as the ground slowly became a blur.

10,000 meters off the ground.

Artem could see the Spring Weald.

At the height of tens of thousands of meters, Artem could barely see the back of the beast. Even so, he had not seen the monster's entire body! Such a giant beast! It was an indescribable feeling to have a panoramic view of the roads he had taken on during his long adventures.

Artem traced the route he had once taken on, saw through the snowy mountains, and looked at the blizzard. The Frozen City was within the quickly passing clouds and snow, and he could barely see its outline.

Anna once said she would go fishing with her father to relax at the end of long adventures. How would she relax this time...

Thin clouds began to obstruct his view and thoughts of escaping came back. How long has the "cannonball" been flying...

— They flew higher until they reached the darkness.

Belobog loomed over the dark land. Belobog loomed over the dark land.

Thousands of lit houses were only the size of a coin, but Artem knew that it was Belobog. The urban heat island effect stood out against the surrounding chill, which was more evident when looking down from the clouds. It was this warmth that had sustained Belobog for a hundred years, but it also prevented its people from going outside.

Compared to the size of the planet, Belobog was but a speck of dirt. Artem once thought that Belobog and its surroundings was the entire world. Thinking back now, it was just the unwillingness to admit his narrow perspective.

At this height, anyone would agree that such a narrow perspective was laughable.

100,000 meters off the ground.

Artem could clearly see the curvature of the planet. Artem could clearly see the curvature of the planet.

The great auroras started appearing. The brilliant ribbons gently covered the surface of the planet. Back in Belobog, Artem had gazed up at these dreamlike veils fluttering in the night sky. Now, they were below him.

It was at this moment that static came through the communication device...

"...A—Artem! We! Ahhhh! Are in the sky! Ahhhhh... Ahhh..."

It was Dalmir's screaming from earlier.

Artem really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


400,000 meters off the ground. Artem could see the Satelleden.

It was a large cylindrical object, rotating slowly. Artem had heard of science fantasies that the effects of gravity could be simulated through rotating centrifugal force. He brushed it off as mere fantasy until witnessing the miracle before his eyes. The excitement was overwhelming.

I wonder how people from the Old World will react when they see this "cannonball." Fear? Surprise? Will they be treated like invaders and face retaliation?

Soft music began playing in the "cannonball." It was a mix of drums and guitars that make you feel warm and cozy, like a gift at the end of their journey:

"Distant cosmic radio is calling"

"Distant cosmic radio is calling"


As the "cannonball" got closer, Artem could make out more details of the Satelleden.

If the interior was spread out, "Satelleden" would be a large rectangular area. The opposite sides of the area would join to form the cylinder. Anywhere you stood, you could raise your head and see the streets hanging above.

In the streets, many buildings violated physics. The mechanical giants appeared to be connecting the building blocks by combining various modules. Neatly planned streets kept adjusting their positions. To Artem, the whole "city" was breathing and pulsing like a living organism and rotating as a Rubik's Cube. It was constantly evolving, showing ultimate rationality. As an immaculate work of art that had long been abandoned, "Satelleden" was floating alone in the universe, awaiting the gaze of human admiration.

As if sensing the "cannonball," the large object extended a docking port of the same astonishing proportions, like a giant extending its hand at a flying insect. Artem's heart clenched out of fear that the last moments of his journey would end in a fiery collision.

But the disaster he imagined didn't happen The docking port gently held the "cannonball" and guided it to the landing pad in Satelleden.

The music was still playing gently on their communication devices...


"I climb the ladder to the stars"

"And walk in the gallery of outer space"

"Insomnia awaits the galaxy tonight"
