Archivum Honkai: Star Rail

Cyrille the Fool

Cyrille — often called Cyrille the Fool by later generations — is the eighth Supreme Guardian of Belobog.

Cyrille was born in a remote suburb of the Belobog Overworld. Orphaned as a young girl, she lived with her sister Cyrilla who's one year older than her. Cyrille's childhood was rather uneventful; however, her sister Cyrilla was a child prodigy, displaying amazing proficiency at an early age for language, math, and logic.

Cyrilla passed the public service test when she was eleven, and was officially selected as an heir to the Supreme Guardian. However, just on the eve as the Architects were about to relocate her residence to Qlipoth Fort, she mysteriously disappeared. After days of searching without luck, most Architects wanted to give up the search and start the heir selection process anew. But the Minister of Internal Affairs, Stefan Marquez was firmly opposed, and strongly pushed for Cyrilla's sister Cyrille to take over as heir to the Supreme Guardian.

Stefan Marquez claimed that during his long-term contact with the two sisters, he'd discovered that Cyrille was as talented as her sister. Moreover, delaying the heir selection process any longer would impact Belobog's political stability due to the recency of the Supreme Guardian's untimely death. After heated internal debate, the Architects finally approved Stefan's proposal allowing Cyrille to become the new heir.

History has shown us that Cyrille's appointment was a carefully-planned hoax by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Stefan Marquez. The Architects quickly realized that Cyrille was extremely mediocre compared to her sister Cyrilla, and was clumsy in social situations. Minister Marquez's power grew stronger by the day during Cyrille's tenure, and his thugs soon retained absolute discretion throughout the Qlipoth Fort as they issued their draconian decrees. The nickname Cyrille the Fool spread throughout the people, and they grew more and more dissatisfied with this puppet Supreme Guardian and her ministerial allies.

In the 14th year of her tenure, rebels among the Architects hatched a secret plot to overthrow Stefan and his cronies. The rebels won over the Silvermane Guards' Captain and planned on luring Cyrille and Stefan to the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone where they could launch a coup.

That day, the Supreme Guardian Cyrille attended the military exercise as expected, but the rebels never found any trace of Stefan Marquez. The captain played them at their own game, dispatching a fake patrol of Silvermane Guards into the restricted zone with Cyrille, and pushing her into an arsenal chest. The guards then rushed to the far north of Belobog and, under cover of darkness, shoved the unconscious Supreme Guardian in the arsenal chest over the edge of the cliff.

The rebels carried out a search operation for three days and three nights in Belobog, but never found any trace of Minister Stefan Marquez. To this day, people still attribute the death of the seventh Supreme Guardian and the disappearance of Cyrilla to Marquez's political conspiracy — a claim that, according to Belobog historians, to this day remains inconclusive and unproven.