Archivum Honkai: Star Rail

Part III

March 12, 699 AF

Academic convention? Yeah right! What a bunch of fools.

Seriously, why do I even bother wasting my precious time with these people? Everyone at the salon was talking about perpetual motion devices. Perpetual this, perpetual that, just shut up! They all claim to have discovered some perpetual power resource. Have any of them even read a book before? They all claimed to be renowned physicists... Heh, as if they deserve it. None of their inventions are solid, it's either a perpetual motion device or turning water into Geomarrow. I'm embarrassed to be under the same roof as them. But I couldn't leave either. I had to endure and suffer until it was my turn to share my report...

This one fool kept trying to talk to me, claiming to be a reincarnation of Erwin. He just likes to put his name on everything. How shameful of him! What even is Teliph Vacuum Zero Circulation? Worst of all, I couldn't call him out on anything. I had to pretend to be polite. Unbearable! Disgusting! There was another bearded fool, whose name I don't even want to remember, who claimed to be the son of the late great scientist so-and-so. His father wrote The Great Understandings of the Scientific World, a book that claims his own findings were the truth and that all current laws of physics were wrong. He insisted that I should read it and gave me a copy, which I threw away when stepping out of the door. How stupid!

I won't go to those salons anymore. All I have to do now is to wait for investors to contact me. Hopefully, some of them wise up and recognize my talents. I am the only one there who truly understands science. But if this doesn't work out, I'll have no choice but to criticize the mediocrity of the scientific field on the newspaper.