Archivum Honkai: Star Rail

Interastral Peace Corporation

Chapter 2634: Interastral Peace Corporation

Qlipoth, the Amber Lord — a colossal statue without a head. Silent and oblivious, they only think about constructing their mysterious and giant wall. What was it for? No one knows. What is it they're trying to keep out? No one knows. Most normal people will ignore it after realizing our ignorance, but there are always abnormal people in this world. There are two different types even in that group. One type thinks that: "Wow, there's a God building a wall — this means walls are sacred — so we're going to build walls too!" What kind of ridiculous logic is this? And with that, this group of people believes they've received some sort of revelation and began wasting precious resources to build useless things on their respective planets. These people are known as the Architects. As for the other group, well, they're even dumber than the Architects. Although the Architects have a few screws loose in their heads, they're at least thinking about doing things that are beneficial to themselves. On the contrary, the other group of people think that: "Wow, there's a God building a wall — this means walls are sacred — so we have to help God build walls!" — Whaa?

And with that, a group of people filled with a self-sacrificing mentality gathered and formed a support team for Qlipoth. Knowing that they're not exactly capable of doing anything, this support team used the power of Paths and flew to different worlds to source the various materials needed for building a wall as a tribute to the God. At this very moment, two intelligent individuals emerged from this group of imbeciles and changed the destiny of the entire galaxy.

And now, the writer will explain the events to follow in detail.

First, the support team flew to an unfamiliar planet. They were lucky to find the planet inhabited by a friendly race who received them warmly. The support team said: "Respected companions of the galaxy! The galaxy is facing destruction and our Aeon is building a wall spanning across light-years to protect the galaxy. We urge you to take part and join in on the construction!"

The aliens reply, smiling: "Wow, that sounds extraordinary. What can we do to help?"

The support team says: "We need wood, stone, rebars, cement, titanium... anything and everything that can be used in construction, we want them all."

The aliens reply: "Good, we have a lot of those materials. What will you use to trade for them?"

And this is when the first landmark of economics was born: The trade of resources—

The support team says: "Oh, we have a lot of wood, stone, rebars, cement, titanium... anything and everything that can be used to build stuff, we have it all."

The alien replies: "This kind of trade would be pointless."

And this is when the wise ones take the stage. Today, both of their names are inscribed into each wall and ceiling panel in the IPC: Louis Fleming and Dongfang Qixing. The wise ones quickly answer: "There is a planet called Clementine three systems from here. It has a local specialty called winter sun fruit that is incredibly delicious and melts in your mouth." The two upsold the berry as if it were something that fell out of heaven.

The alien replies: "Wow, that sounds amazing. Okay, five hundred kilograms of wood for five hundred kilograms of winter sun fruit."

And this is when resource gained a quantitative value —

"Winter sun fruits are extremely precious." Wise man number one Louis Fleming says, "An entire Amber Era wouldn't yield five hundred kilograms of it! On the contrary, five hundred kilograms of wood means very little to you. How about this, we'll trade five kilograms of winter sun fruit for your five hundred kilograms of wood. I guarantee you'll love it!"

Dear readers, this conversation took place nearly 800 Amber Eras ago. I'm sure you can tell that wise man number one was being completely dishonest. Though winter sun fruits may be delicious, it is nowhere near as rare as he described it to be. The wise man was lying. He was able to do this because he had the ultimate advantage or asymmetric information. Once one party has more information than the other, then they will gain the absolute initiative. When applied to this specific incident, it meant that wise man number one possessesed the power to set prices.

And with that, things start to develop in a positive direction: The support team realized that they need to provide and trade with merchandise that the other party is interested in for them to get the resources that they want. The support team no longer purchases only construction materials but start to buy food, drinks, clothes, and everyday goods... They bought everything that other planets would be interested in. The more business they did, the bigger their business grew. Intellect number two Dongfang Qixing realized something: If they're the only people in the entire galaxy that are in the trade business, then it's time for them to set their own rules.

— And with that, the galactic currency was born —

More than seven hundred and seventy Amber Eras ago, Louis Fleming and Dongfang Qixing announced the reformation of the support team and started the Interastral Peace Corporation (IPC). At the same moment, the IPC introduced the universal galactic currency: credits. Ever since that day, the people of each planet never had to worry about how much they could trade for their local specialties — everything already had a price tag attached to it! They would receive credits from the IPC and use the credits to purchase merchandise from the IPC. The market is no longer comprised of three parties with the IPC in the middle. Now, people can purchase goods directly from the IPC. Although the sellers and buyers didn't change much, this actually forms a great advantage for the IPC.

The buyer and seller asset movement seems to have come to a halt.

— Halted asset means that now there are now deposit capital —

Assets valued in the trillions have suddenly become hidden behind the IPC's credits and immediately filled the IPC's pockets, but the IPC has bottomless pockets! And just like that, the IPC turned from being just a small organization sourcing materials for an Aeon to the strongest force in the entire galaxy.

However, it is worth mentioning that even after having made such a great accomplishment, the IPC never forgot why the organization was put together in the first place. The construction materials the IPC has accumulated over nearly 800 Amber Eras are now piled across each planet surrounding Aeon Qlipoth. The Aeon has never uttered a word about their actions, nor made any use of their offerings. Even so, the IPC's outlook remains unwavering:

This is what you call faith.