Archivum Honkai: Star Rail

Chapter 2: Frozen City (III)

Continuation: After walking through the Frozen City's hall of history, Artem arrived at the reception room where he was greeted by Dalmir as he waited for the queen's summon. The two hit it off right away, and Dalmir shared his true reason for being here. He was searching for a companion to return to the Lava Kingdom with to soar into the skies together...

Artem was once again blown away. His mind was like a drum head repeatedly pounded with new information.

"Leave the ground... and head for the skies?"

Each day, the world that Artem knew was repeatedly challenged by novel technologies, unknown histories, and distant, mysterious nations. Just as he thought nothing else would be able to surprise him, the man in front of him invited him to leave the land using a cannon powered by a volcano. He had no other choice...

"With all due respect, I refuse!"

"What? I thought you'd be more adventurous than that. I was certain you would agree."

"Those are two completely different issues. Going to a far and unfamiliar nation or climbing to heights never reached before may sound crazy to some people, but those feats are all within human logic and understanding. Using a volcano to launch yourself into the sky... that's just suicide!"

After a short exchange, he bid his farewell to the adventurer from the volcano.

"Maybe it's not that ruthless of an idea, young man." He took but a few steps when a commanding and soothing voice came from the side.

Only now did Artem notice a woman in expensive clothing staring at him from not too far. Based on what she was wearing, Artem immediately realized who it was and bowed. The woman smiled back.

"May I ask you a question? Adventurer from Belobog, why did you embark on this perilous journey?"

"Perhaps... restlessness runs in my blood?" Artem pondered for a moment, then shook his head.

"Perhaps life is too peaceful in Belobog. We hide in a greenhouse and listen to the preaching of the speakers day after day. Soldiers guard our borders, stopping monsters from entering our city and preventing our people from leaving. If you work hard, you don't have to worry about food or shelter. But every day is the same. Life is peaceful without any changes. People are afraid of an unstable future and losing the life to which they've grown accustomed. Belobog's history is hundreds of years old, but nobody has ever truly left."

"I don't want to read the same newspaper every day. I don't want to cover my eyes and ears and pretend the world is the size of our city. I want to know if I can survive a life that's not so peaceful."

The woman smiled. "It seems you were born in the wrong place. You are different from the other Belobog people I know."

"There have been other people of Belobog who arrived here?"

"That was over a hundred years ago, and it ended regrettably. Fortunately, the Frozen City relocates constantly, and the disaster of war was avoided."

Artem was listening to the words coming out of the woman's mouth in shock. "You mean to say, Belobog and Frozen City almost went to war?"

"From then on, we have been weary of all visitors from that country." The woman raised her hand to stop his questioning. "As you can see, the Frozen City is not built from unchanging ice. It is built from water, free of prejudice."

"A man must be judged like a gem, by being examined from all sides. I have heard Anna's description of you. We have read about your adventures. And now, I have seen you. By the standards of the Frozen City, you are a remarkable man."

"I thank you for your kind judgment, Your Majesty." Artem lowers his head.

"Let's return to the topic at hand. I asked you before why you embarked on this perilous journey. Your response proved your wish to be free of constraints and live a life without a mundane routine. Frozen City, Lava Kingdom... You have heard and seen many wondrous things that most people can only dream of. But this city is bound to the skies, just as Belobog is bound to the land. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I... understand, Your Majesty. I just have a hard time believing that people can fly through the air." Artem murmured, "I thought only birds could do that. I can't tell if Dalmir's invitation is suicidal madness or an adventurous gamble."

"Is there any difference between the two? The spirit of adventure is a precious quality that goes against the humankind's natural survival instinct. It may seem worthless, but it is this spirit that allowed the people of the Old World to reach unimaginable heights. Strictly speaking, adventures and explorations are part of the heritage of the Old World."

"You wouldn't be able to see what the Frozen City looks like, if you had decided to live peacefully behind the Belobog walls. Dalmir was not lying when he mentioned the Satelleden. It is a miracle, located so high up that it's invisible to the naked eye, left behind by the Old World civilization. People have long forgotten what it was like nowadays," the Queen sighed regrettably.

"You've walked through the Snow Plains in search of ancient relics, all so that you could obtain the Old World heritage. The way back has already been covered in snow, Artem. The only way is forward, for you... and for the Frozen City, as it always has been."

"I will take that into consideration." Artem mused for a bit and let out a long sigh. "I will go talk to Dalmir."

Suddenly, the queen's face turned stern. "I don't mean to persuade you, young Artem. Impulse will take you on adventures, but that alone will not take you to the ends of the earth. Regardless what you choose, I have a gift for you."

The Queen extended her hands from beneath her cloak. She held out a one-cubit long wand to Artem. The wand was forked on one end, the shape of which resembled a double-headed eagle.

"Young Artem, we do not bow here in the Frozen City. But, as a token of respect towards the wisdom of the Old World, kneel down on one knee. Bow, not to me, but the Old World."

The Queen took hold of the wand. Suddenly, liquid began to flow over the surface, forming a blueish ice blade.

She turned the blade with incredible speed and touched Artem once on each shoulder and on the top of his head. Artem felt the ice breathing and jumping on his shoulders.

"May your path be clear, your luck persist, and your courage prevail."

"This blade's technology comes from the Old World. I present it to you, knight of the frozen city. To the sky, it is but a needle. To the earth, it is but a tool to cut through obstacles. But to you, it is the courage to move forward in the face of danger."

"Go now, Artem."