Archivum Honkai: Star Rail

Chapter 6: Lava Kingdom (II)

Continuation: Artem and his friends arrived in the Lava Kingdom on the back of a molten insect. They were greeted with great warmth. After hearing the kind speech of the president of the Lava Kingdom Cannon Development Committee, Barbicane, they realized that their arduous journey was nearing its end, but Anna wanted to quit and wished Artem could stay as well...


Dalmir was confused, but he didn't dare ask any questions.

There was a delicate feeling in the air between Artem and Anna by the second day of the celebration.

Dalmir speculated that Artem saw the uplifted feelings of the festival as an opportunity and confessed his love for Anna, but was ultimately turned down. He had always believed the two would end up together, but reality has shown him how naive he was. If he had been launched from the cannons and seen more of the world, maybe he would've seen it coming.

"Umm... I brought you guys to the launching grounds here today to show you our pride, the volcano cannon."

Dalmir was aware that the two were not in a good mood, but he thought that it would be best not to ask.

"As I've said before, the energy of the volcano is the energy of the planet itself."

"The core of the planet is always pushing towards the opposite direction of gravity and not sitting at the center of this planet. This enormous outward compression force shoots out the lava and other gases from beneath the ground. This is the power of the volcano..."

Artem and Anna looked upon the distant lava in the main volcano through the thick glass.

Its characteristics were similar to ocean waves, rising and falling. On the other hand, it was like boiling water, with gases constantly pushing out of the magma and forming bubbles that soon bursted. The scorching temperatures heated the air unevenly and caused heat hazes to appear. Anyone could see that such an unstable, burning, and bright liquid could not be suppressed for much longer.

Without realizing it, Artem was sweating all over.

"Instability, unpredictability, and too much power were all reasons that humans in the past could not harness this energy. However, our ancestors changed their mind during the Ice Age."

"Don't try to control it. Set it free!"

"You're right, Artem! We should just set this immense energy free, like..."

They said in unison, "Like one big fart!"

The two of them laughed. Dalmir had told many cheesy jokes like this during their journey.

It wasn't until they were staring at the ready-to-erupt volcano that the foolish explanations came to life. It was unbelievable that they are standing so close to such outlandish descriptions. Artem feels like he's still in a dream.

Anna laughed lightly as she walked behind them.

"The energy container at the top, and the volcanic accelerators over there... They're expensive to make, but they are all disposable..."

Dalmir suddenly stopped. He wasn't pleased with that expression.

"They've prepared their whole lives for the one battle, but it only takes one battle to prove everything. They aren't disposables! They're the ultimate romanticists!"


Artem felt as if something was stirring inside his chest like restless magma. As Dalmir's voice grew quieter, he could feel the vibrations of the mantle, all that immense energy to realize the once-in-a-lifetime romance.

"Look over here! This is the cannonball we'll be riding in!"

It was a spherical cockpit about seven meters in diameter, with wide windows in front. There were countless precise instruments, levers, and buttons inside. On the outside, there were a pair of thin wings that could open out...

It didn't look like anything from the Lava Kingdom.

"Could it be..."

"That's right. It was a cannonball created by the people from the Old World. This is the only one in the whole world!"

The outside was covered with material that can withstand temperatures up to 5000 degrees Celsius. Telemetry communications, energy, temperature control, and other precision equipment lined the walls of the interior. Artem had unearthed many Old World relics to know immediately that this was the pinnacle of Old World technology, something that could take people to outer space for real.

"This cannonball is also a romanticist, flying into outer space with no return. It will complete its mission during the journey, then float through the universe as a permanent fixture..."

Once again, Artem felt he was no longer on the ground. He was among the brilliant stars that filled the night sky.

Anna looked at the man standing before her, knowing that his mind had already left this planet.

She understood completely. Artem's heart had reached the heights of the firmament that she couldn't reach, no matter hard she tried. It was far, far beyond the Satelleden, far beyond the end of the universe. And so, she decided to leave quietly before dawn. Perhaps it would make him less miserable.


But she still couldn't do it.

"Thank you, Anna."

On the path before sunrise, she saw a clear silhouette — It was Artem, waiting for her. She couldn't leave quietly after all.

"I have been deeply in love with you ever since you saved my life. I have never seen such a tenacious, independent, and gentle woman like you. There were plenty of chances for me to tell you: I like you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"But I cannot stay with you. If there's one thing that I must do in life, it is to go on adventures, continuous adventures. I'm sorry..."

"I think I'm also a romanticist. I'm willing to risk everything I have for the sake of adventure. I'm sorry..."

With tears in her eyes, Anna knew.

She knew the moment she embarked on this journey. It was the kind of man she fell in love with.

Before her tears could fall, a warm hand wiped away her tears. It was Artem's hand, which she knew too well.

"I don't want you to shed so many tears for me. But I've already decided..."

"I understand. I understand completely..."

"I can only give you three things."

Artem took out his journal, which carefully recorded all his adventures and memories with Anna.

"The first is my past. Everything we experienced together was real."

Artem placed the sword that the Frozen City Queen had given him in Anna's hands.

"The second is my future. This is my promise to the queen. I wish to protect you forever."

"And the last is my present. I love you, Anna."

He kissed her.

They were so affectionate as if time had stopped at this moment and the future would not come.

(To Be Continued)