Archivum Honkai: Star Rail

History Fictionologists — Enigmata

"History really is not mired in truth, reality can be distorted; we shouldn't let the past stay in the past, but instead in the present, where everyone can embellish it."
— The Five Millennia Void by History Fictionologist Luddokan

There is evidence that History Fictionologists are a group of Emanators that were enlightened by Aeons. They often plunge into the sea of stars alone, traveling planet to planet with the sole purpose of fabricating, obscuring, and destroying the local history. History Fictionologists believe that the past determines the future — when a civilization's history is definite, its future development is doomed as all possibility is eliminated, leaving only a sad and rigid path forward. In order to save these worlds from the sad fate of objectivity, History Fictionologists, under the directive of Enigmata, are determined to shroud the universe in mystery.

History Fictionologists carry out their mission of destroying history alone and decisively, with an altruism that is difficult to comprehend. Their views are poorly understood by most, and their blatant hatred of objective facts is somewhat extreme. Many worlds are beginning to realize the irreversible, intangible damage that these Emanators of Enigmata have caused to culture. Across the galaxy, History Fictionologists have a reputation comparable to that of the Antimatter Legion. The Intelligentsia Guild has publicly denounced them: The Antimatter Legion destroys matter, but the History Fictionologists destroy the very universe itself.