Archivum Honkai: Star Rail

Direwolves Sightings, Supreme Guardian Enforces Curfew

* Several carefully cut newspaper clippings, taken from the Crystal Daily, were pinned to the bulletin board. *

On June 19, 144 AF, the Belobog Supreme Guardian Tatiana signed Curfew Regulation Provision 101. A curfew shall be in place from 6 PM to 6 AM and is immediately effective. During the curfew, all residents are not to leave their homes, except Silvermane Guards and essential workers with permission from the executive office. Curfew Regulation Provision 101 is permanently in effect until further announcement.

Supreme Guardian Tatiana explained the reasons behind this curfew afterwards to the Crystal Daily. As there are very few signs of life outside of Belobog, the Silvermane Guards have not kept a strict watch over Belobog's exits. Recently, a number of citizens have reported sightings of direwolves in Belobog territory. It would seem the warm environment of Belobog has attracted and encouraged the cold-weathering beasts to migrate to this area. These sightings have the full attention of the Silvermane Guards and roughly 1100 Silvermane Guards will be dispatched through the entire city to make sure there are no risks involving direwolves. We will also use this as an opportunity to increase our management over the city's traffic and prevent any dangerous creatures from entering in the future.

Tatiana emphasized once again that all personnel other than Silvermane Guards on security duty are not allowed outside their homes every day from 6 PM to 6 AM. Activities that conceal, feed, or withhold information regarding direwolves are strictly prohibited. Anyone who violates these restrictions will be severely punished.