Archivum Honkai: Star Rail

Summary of the Chronicles of the Sky-Faring Commission: 3287 Star Calendar — Vol. 3

[Date] November 21, Year 3287 Star Calendar
[Volume] 3
[Vessel No.] Caladrius-I
[Tag] Fly ship; combat record; Xianzhou Yuanqiao; Civil War.

[Voice Transcription]


3287/11/21 1401 Caladrius-I
Calling Astrum. The system space I'm located in is all-clear with obvious stellar wind currents. No other celestial objects are within visual distance, except a red giant star.

3287/11/21 1402 The Luofu Palace of Astrum HQ
Received. No other flight activity has been detected in your system space. Stellar winds may cause temporary loss of communications. Please steer clear of turbulence and ensure flight stability.

3287/11/21 1402 The Luofu Palace of Astrum HQ
You're approaching the Yuanqiao now. Prepare to contact the Yuanqiao on channel 351.017. Do you need a space tug?

3287/11/21 Caladrius-I
No, thank you. Passing through the system space from left to right.


3287/11/21 1527 Caladrius-I
Target location achieved. No response from the Yuanqiao. Repeat, no response from the Yuanqiao.

3287/11/21 1529 The Luofu Palace of Astrum HQ
*heavy sigh* darn it *crackle* to heck! I thought it was true.

*Long crackling of white noise*

3287/11/21 1534 The Luofu Palace of Astrum HQ
Calling Caladrius-I. Please report in about the Yuanqiao's damages.

3287/11/21 1535 Caladrius-I
*sigh* It's very, very bad.

3287/11/21 1536 The Luofu Palace of Astrum HQ
Please give details.

*long crackling of white noise*

3287/11/21 1540 Caladrius-I
*Heavy sigh* I *crackle* had enough! You know they're beyond hope. Isn't that guy who escaped and told *crackle* enough for you!?

3287/11/21 1541 Caladrius-I
*silence* The exterior of the Yuanqiao looks fine. But they couldn't have survived. Their engines stalled, and they're drifting toward the red giant star.

*long crackling of white noise*

3287/11/21 1545 The Luofu Palace of Astrum HQ
We could have saved them... Just by establishing this line of communication! Half an hour is good enough, *crackle*!

3287/11/21 1546 The Luofu Palace of Astrum HQ
How on earth did things *intense crackle* come to this? How did things get to this *intense crackle* point!?

3287/11/21 1547 Caladrius-I
*long silence* It's all because of the cursed Abundance. Gee, what a blessing longevity turned out to be...

3287/11/21 1550 The Luofu Palace of Astrum HQ
*long silence* It's all because of the *intense crackle* wars, and the *intense crackle* power.

*long crackling of white noise*

3287/11/21 1629 Caladrius-I
Calling Astrum. The Yuanqiao has disappeared from line of sight toward a position of twelve o'clock and into the red giant star.

3287/11/21 1630 Caladrius-I
*heavy sighing* The Yuanqiao is now confirmed as missing.
