Archivum Honkai: Star Rail

Part III

*The words on the page seem a little erratic.*

*Some pages in the middle seem to have fallen out.*

██ / █1 / 6█9
Daily Parts Collection Complete
Attacked by others like me again
Almost dead hurt
I not machine don't understand
What am I?
Core confuse

██ / █4 / 6█9
Daily Parts Collection Complete
Attacks from others like me frequent
What am I?
Core noise generation
Reparation Parts Need Collect

██ / █7 / 6█9
Dai██ Parts Collection █
Core noise generation unceasing
What am I? █ ██ am I?
Don't understand ██ █ I what?
Require parts collection repair I ██

██ / █2 / 6█9
Colle█ █lect parts! ██ parts
Noi█ core noise ██ █ ██e
██ █ Col█ing parts repair me █
What am I? █ ██ am I? What ██? Is am! What I ██ I am what? █ ██ what I?

██ / █5 / 6█9
Colle█ █lect parts! ██rts collec█n █lect parts! ██rts collec█n █ect
██ █ Co█ting parts Re! pair I █epa█! █ █ co█ I █? █epai█ █ col█pa█
█epair me █ repa██! █ █ noise? █pair c█re p██ts █ █ ███ repair █

██ / █6 / 6█9 Collect█ █lect. Parts! █rts coll█ █lect parts! ██ts co██ █ol█ col█ing parts Re!pair I █pa██, █ █ co█ I█ / █7 / 6█9█ parts █cor█ strap. pallect! co██ repair ██ir, I █ai██? █ █ noiarts! colle██ / █8 / 6█9a █ █parts collec█ repa█ core █arts██rt█ █ ███ repair █e █re ███ / █9 / 6█9partscollectionco█pa██rts█!██ ███ ██

*Gibberish records fill the rest of the document. There is no longer any need to continue reading.*