Archivum Honkai: Star Rail

"Inquiry Into The Gods: The Authors of Calamity"


Plagues Author

Ruler of the Path of Abundance. Our greatest nemesis. The Denizens of Abundance and the Xianzhou Alliance know them as Yaoshi, the god of life.

In short, you diviners must have read about the myth of them manifesting aboard the Luofu to leave behind the Ambrosial Arbor. Perhaps you've heard about that while studying in the lyceum, serving in the Cloud Knights, or reading novels. There is no need for this book to devote pages to it.

It is worth reiterating to everyone once more that any action involving predicting the Plagues Author's fate are viewed as an unforgivable felony.

I know that diviners suffer from hubris during their first hundred years of practice, sinking into a form of madness gained from possessing extraordinary knowledge. They would believe they can now control destiny, that they literally have the power to decipher the entire world. They would be deluded to the point of ignoring the ban on running divinations on Aeons, and try learning the secrets of ancient works. A blind eye can be turned if a diviner tries to predict the fate of other Aeons. However, the Ten-Lords Commission has issued a ban on predicting Yaoshi's fate, listing it as a crime equal to the Ten Unpardonable Sins and promising strict punishment — that is, if you are even still alive after your transgression.

The Plagues Author is the reason the Xianzhou natives became a long-life species. There is therefore some sort of undefinable and remote connection between us and Yaoshi. This kind of connection cannot yet be explained by physics, and may be one of the causes of mara. Moreover, anyone trying to peer at Yaoshi by means of divination will suffer a similar backlash. Every instance of such actions so far has led to tragic results. These records are filed away under "Violations" at the Divination Commission's repository. Diviners, please study them carefully.

Ruin Author

Ruler of the Path of Destruction. Known as Nanook, god of destruction, by the Antimatter Legion and Annihilation Gang.

Despite being the most recently ascended Aeon, Nanook and their minions may already be considered the greatest menace in all the galaxy. In contrast to how the healing forces of the Plagues Author brought about mutation and destructive results, the Ruin Author causes chaos in a far more direct way. Them and their Emanators lead the Antimatter Legion on their march to invade all civilized worlds, turning these planets to ashes.

Despite following the Reignbow Arbiter's edict to hunt down the Abundance and out-of-control abominations, the Alliance has also fought tens of thousands of skirmishes against the Legion. Our scout's reports begin to often lack news from planets that have established civil relations with the Xianzhou. All of this is drastically worrying. Perhaps, in the near future, the abominations won't be the only nemesis that Xianzhou has to face.

Swarm Author

Ruler of the Path of Propagation. Known by the IPC and other victimized planets as Tayzzyronth, god of proliferation. Known on some worlds as the Imperator Insectorum.

Despite the Imperator Insectorum's early demise, they've cast a shadow of terror on the universe no less than that of Emperor Rubert's. The Alchemy Commission has collected from many planets unique bio-contaminant samples, which are the swarm's evolved genes known as their "propagation vector." The Armed Archaeologists from the Intelligentsia Guild have provided even more evidence that stars seeded by the Swarm Author have irreparably become literal hellscapes, and their only end lies in obliteration by star destroyer arsenals to prevent future danger.

According to the scholar, such horrors have not completely disappeared. The Imperator Insectorum's descendants remain, and their own body could return at any moment. This scholar once showed me his collection — A dull yellow piece of amber with moving flecks and a buzzing tremor. I was absolutely gob-smacked to hear him say that it is part of the "Imperator Insectorum's Prison Cell." The omniscia implanted in my forehead could not see the future of this item, which only serves to corroborate the scholar's claims. All I can do is pray in silence to the Reignbow that such a day will not come soon.
