Archivum Honkai: Star Rail

Abomination Scroll: The Borisin

[List of Archenemies — Abomination Scroll — Contents]


[Glossary] The Borisin


Primates — Hominids — Canine subspecies


The borisin are the oldest nemeses of the Alliance, and the main constituent of the Denizens of Abundance. Their planet of origin remains unknown. However, judging by genetic screen results, the borisin share a common ancestor with the Foxians — yet the two have diverged onto very different paths.

Foxian epics tell how the races were divinely inspired by a Lord of Longevity from beyond the stars. Drinking from the Redspring, they were granted immortality. But later historical developments saw the borisin consider the Foxians as slaves or cannon fodder, fueling their desire to conquer the stars.

According to verifiable Alliance records, there have been three large-scale wars between the Xianzhou and the borisin, with heavy losses on both sides. Therefore, the Cloud Knights must remain vigilant about the borisin's movements.


The borisin have a distinct canine anatomical structure: Broad, slender skeletons; powerful jaws and neck muscles; well-developed fangs; pointed ears atop the skull; and sharp claws on hand and foot.

Within the broad classification of long-life species, the borisin can be said to have the greatest healing ability.

Alongside this hyper-healing is their ability to shapeshift (known as "Moon Madness" by the borisin). This ability has also been observed very rarely in some Foxians (apart from the Foxians of the Yaoqing). Shapeshifting is accompanied by intense hyperplasia of the bone and muscle structure, such as a protruded snout and jawline, and the twisting in of the foot structure. This damaging deformation process is eventually completely restored by the borisin's rapid healing ability.

During battle, the borisin emit a pheromone known as Lupitoxin, which stimulates fear in the amygdala. To counteract these effects, the Cloud Knights take medicinal pellets to suppress their innate fear when in combat.


The borisin are particularly skilled at biotechnology, and perform various body modifications upon themselves. Borisin armor and weapons both have characteristics of living entities.

Their ships are known as mechabeasts or beast ships. These are biological spaceships with the ability to feed, attack, and reproduce. The borisin's combat vessels for everyday hunting are also known for their rapid velocity.


The borisin have a tribal council system, with many ancient cultural traditions centering around the strong preying on the weak, or respect for force.
A single tribe is called a "Pack," and a multitribal entity is called a "Great Pack."
The borisin often select the most cunning and strong to lead their Pack: the Brood Lord. For a Great Pack, the leadership selection process forces the competing Brood Lords to fight each other, ranking them from top to bottom based on strength. A Great Pack leader is called "Father Wolf" or "Warmuhtar".

(Two lines of postscripts are recorded at the bottom of the dossier)

"The last Warmuhtar, Hoolay, has been interned and now the new Warmuhtar is...?"
"Anecdotal accounts seem to suggest that it's Angqin or Leesa. — Qingzu"