Archivum Honkai: Star Rail



Please hear me, Reignbow Arbiter.

Yufei is enlisted in the war.

This is the third great war between the Alliance and the Denizens of Abundance. Many people I know went to the war, but I never imagined Yufei would be conscripted as well.

"The Alliance needs the best healer, and I happen to be the best healer. That can't be helped, right?" Yufei held my head in her palms as she said this in pretended carelessness.

I grabbed Yufei's hand and replied anxiously. "The Luofu has so many healers. Why does it have to be you? You're not a Cloud Knight. You can refuse..."

"I know you're worried about me." Yufei comforted me gently. "I'm just a healer. I won't be in danger. Besides, the Arbiter will keep me safe."

She had made up her mind to go. I could only beg her. "You're an amazing person. You can live a happy life even without me. But I'm weak. I don't know how to live in a world without you. So please, please return in one piece."

Yufei laughed haplessly. "I can't live without you either! Trust me. I'll be back safe and sound."

She then let go of my hand. I knelt on the ground, covered my ears, and curled up in a ball. I didn't want to listen to the sounds of her leaving.

Reignbow Arbiter, please bring her back safely.


Someone became mara-struck in the urban area of the Exalting Sanctum and caused quite a bit of destruction. We have been assigned by the Judges of the Ten-Lords Commission to conduct an autopsy on his corpse.

The results of the autopsy were very interesting to me. I'm going to record it here for future reference.

The deceased was an Incomplete One. He was born without limbs and had a congenital heart condition. However, the autopsy indicated all his disabilities seemed to have completely disappeared after he became struck with mara.

His limbs became stronger than a yellow stone calf's, and his heart was as steady as a starskiff's engine. In fact, such records are often to be found in the annals of history, but I'm still very stunned to come face-to-face with such an occurrence.

I have to admit that I have been deliberately ignoring one particular cure for the Incomplete Ones... Specifically, to accept the Plagues Author's power. After all, no one had heard about there being Incomplete Ones among the borisin.

Perhaps there indeed exists a way to harmlessly utilize the Plagues Author's power.

Of course, this is only a fleeting fantasy. Doing such experiments would be a crime worthy of death.

Just in case, these words are for any future Judge of the Ten-Lords Commission who may investigate this diary: The above content is all my fantasies, and I have no plans of executing them.


Yufei and I wrote many letters to each other recently.

She's safe for now at the field hospital away from the front lines.

Of course, I'm worried about her, but the only thing I can do is silently pray.

Reignbow Arbiter, please keep her safe.


The war is over. We won, and Yufei is dead.

I can't understand how she could die in the field hospital away from the fighting.

I kept asking and asking like I was mad, till the Cloud Knights finally told me the truth.

The Reignbow Arbiter had descended onto the physical plane and annihilated the borisins' fleet using their divine arrow. At the same time, their divine miracle wrought some "collateral damage" — such as the field hospital Yufei was based in.

She did not die in the hands of the Denizens of Abundance. Instead, she was ground to dust by the Reignbow Arbiter's divine arrow, with not even a single bone of her left behind.

Why, Reignbow Arbiter?


Reignbow Arbiter, this will be the last time I write to you.

I wish all that you hope to destroy are resurrected.

I wish all that you hope to preserve is annihilated.

I wish all lives in the land will thrive contrary to your desires.

I wish all stars in the sky will dim because of your existence.

I wish this Galaxy to be full of life, and not full of death.

I wish the Alliance will exist forever, but not in the way you desired.