"The En are an order of Principality. Principalities watch over the peoples, protecting them from evil. They will protect that which they deem good at all costs, but they see only good and evil—no inbetween. For the people of Erden, this has made them a terrifying force, as many of their cultural icons have performed deeds that a Principality could perceive as evil."
"How does a society reconcile when it realizes its powerful men are not admirable? The influx of Principalities has been a mixed blessing for human cultures—though it cost them renowned leaders, it has also given them a chance to refresh their societies and reassess their values."
"Attack All"
"Stun Spark"
"Survivor's Fury"
"Attack Up Lv2"
"Katana Resist Lv2"
"HP Up Lv2"
"Spear Mastery"
"Hold Ground"